Pelton Community Primary School

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Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones provision is a self-funded SEMH SEN base to support children with complex needs who may find the mainstream classroom overwhelming. The base is a 12 place KS1 (Years 1 and 2) provision that helps with the transition from EYFS to KS1. Within Stepping Stones there are 2 experienced staff both of which have expertise in dealing with children with attachment needs, ASD, ADHD, global delay and learning difficulties. Places within Stepping Stones vary and very much depend on the needs of the child. Some only access the Stepping Stones curriculum on a Thursday and Friday focusing on a specific area of identified need by the cohort (e.g. emotional regulation), others may access the provision whole time for a full term and other children may need a longer placement, some children only attend for afternoons – spaces are dependent on the needs of the child. The main aim, where possible, is to integrate children back into the mainstream classroom with a tool kit of resources and strategies to help them continue to flourish and develop.

The children have access to the full curriculum and they are taught it at their own pace; there is a focus on social and emotional skills. The philosophy is to enable the child to be emotionally literate, resilient, confident and we usually find that once a child has these elements in their tool kit, the academic side of the curriculum flourishes. The base utilises lots of parental engagement where parents are encouraged to actively take part in lessons, help with coffee mornings, stay and play and generally celebrate their child’s successes as they venture through their time in the provision.

Stepping Stones


New College Durham Academies Trust

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