Pelton Community Primary School

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Children develop their creativity, musical skills and a passion for music through our Charanga scheme, which is the basis of our work in music. This passion and creativity is extended through whole school singing and participation in school performances, which develop musical, drama and performance skills further. Every child has the opportunity to explore and develop their individual skills further by taking part in additional music lessons and after school clubs, including dance and choir.

Music in the EYFS

Through Expressive Arts, children are taught to sing songs, make music and dance. Children are given opportunities to experiment with ways of changing sound and develop an understanding of pulse rhythm and pitch. Children follow a scheme of work from Charanga Music School and enjoy listening and responding to different styles of music, learning to sing, joining in with nursery rhymes and action songs which leads to playing classroom instruments and performing for others. Children are also encouraged to use everyday objects to make music and create sound, children enjoy exploring our music wall outdoors and experiment with sound using objects made from different materials such as wood, metal and plastic. Children experiment with water buts, kettles and pans, piping, guttering, bin lids and many different types of beaters.

Music in KS1 and KS2

Please see our Music overview below

Music Curriculum Overview 2022.


Aims and Objectives

Music and Performance is a very special way of communicating that can enthuse and stimulate children in their learning. It is a way of expressing oneself and it can hugely influence the personal development of people. We provide opportunities for all children to create, play, perform and enjoy music, to develop the skills to appreciate a wide variety of musical genres and to begin to form opinions and critic the quality of music.

Our Music aims enable children to:

  • Know and understand how sounds are made and then organised into musical structures;
  • Know how music is made through a variety of instruments;
  • Know how music is composed and written down;
  • Express feelings, ideas, experiences and beliefs in a variety of ways;
  • Improve coordination, flexibility, agility, strength and fine motor skills.

Musical Instruments at Pelton Primary School

At Pelton Primary School, we provide Glockenspiel and Ukulele lessons for our children in KS1 and KS2. Within these lessons, our children are taught to able to read and place the notes E, F, G, A, B, C and D on a musical stave. These notes are introduced at different points and are revisited regularly through music lessons and after school clubs. These lessons are delivered by a specialist music teacher and also through specific skills-based lessons taken from Charanga Music Scheme. 

Musical Productions at Pelton Primary School

Within our school across KS2, we produce fantastic musical productions for our children to take part in and have the opportunity to perform for their parents and carers. The children love to take part of these productions and be part of the whole process, including costume and set design, learning lines in character and practicing whole group songs.


Singing for our Community

In July 2022, some of our KS2 visited Pelton Grange Care Home. The residents absolutely loved seeing us – one of our children sang a solo and the Year 6 children sang a song from our most recent production ‘Oliver’ for them. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves- it was a pleasure to take them. We aim to continue our links with Pelton Grange and invite them to our school soon.

Singing for our Community

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

In May, our Federation took part in ‘A Music Celebration Through the Decades’. This meant that each year group learned a song from a decade and performed in our celebrations for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. All of our children learned about how Music has changed through the decades from when the Queen became the Queen. We were able to identify similarities and differences to the music then and now. This was a fantastic day for all our children, parents, carers and staff to be part of!

Queen's Platinum Jubilee


The Big Sing at The Sage Gateshead

In May 2022, our Year 3/4 Beamish and Pelton children attended the Big Sing at The Sage Gateshead! This was a wonderful morning out for the children to experience and take part in live music. The children learned a range of different songs based on recycling and saving our planet.

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