Pelton Community Primary School

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Careers Curriculum

During 2019 until 2021 we participated in an initiative called The Northeast Ambition Careers project, which explored how to open up career possibilities, broaden horizons and help children and their families see that anything is possible. Its aim was to support children in gaining the knowledge and skills they need to achieve their ambitions, regardless of their starting point. We were very excited to be a part of the project, and felt that it raised the career aspirations of our children and helped them to understand the different pathways in to employment.

We have therefore continued to implement a Careers Curriculum across all phases and will continue to strive to accomplish all the Gatsby benchmarks of good career guidance produced In 2014.

Career Activities 2023

So far this year, the children have already experienced a range of fantastic career activities. It has been an exciting and enriching experience for all involved.

In our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), the children had the privilege of a visit from both the police and fire service. The children were thrilled to meet real-life heroes and learn about their important roles in our community. The interactive sessions allowed the children to understand the significance of these careers and the valuable work these professionals do to keep us safe.

Moving on to Key Stage 1 (KS1), our children had a wonderful opportunity to explore the world of toy designing. Through engaging design and technology (DT) lessons, they not only discovered what it takes to create their own toys but also had the chance to experience the joy of making their own puppets. This hands-on experience allowed them to use their imaginations and develop their creativity, while also gaining insight into the design process.

For our Key Stage 2 (KS2) students, we arranged a special visit from the Mini Police. The children were captivated by the presentation on various careers in the military and were encouraged to learn more about these important roles. Through independent research, they were able to explore the vast array of jobs available and discover potential future career paths. This activity sparked their curiosity and broadened their understanding of the world of work.

We firmly believe that these careers activities play a vital role in our curriculum, as they expose your children to a wide range of professions and encourage them to think about their own aspirations for the future. The aim is to motivate and inspire our students to dream big and work towards fulfilling their potential.



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